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© Copyright 2014 Kathryn Dunn | All Rights Reserved

Support a Writer, Change the World


Creativity in any form helps us grow – as individuals and communities. Main Street Writers activities center on writing as a tool for change, and every day we see individuals, organizations, and communities use their voices – written and spoken – for change and growth.

There are two ways to help us support writing and writers in the Valley:

The Tanya Fund is an endowment for adults who cannot afford a workshop or retreat. A donation to this fund creates new opportunities for individuals, and a richer experience for the community of writers.

Community Outreach supports our literacy work with children who are learning and growing in some of the most challenged settings in the state.

I hope you’ll take a minute to see what we’re doing with both of these funds, and consider helping us extend the opportunity to learn, grow and change through writing for children and adults in the Pioneer Valley.

Thank you.

Changing the World – One Writer at a Time



Main Street Writers

- Writing support for individuals, groups and organizations -

664 Main Street, Suite 60, Amherst MA
(413) 221-4652

- Celebrating out 28th year at Main Street Writers -

Main Street Writers

- Writing support for individuals, groups and organizations -

664 Main Street, Suite 60, Amherst MA
92 Race Street, Gateway City Arts, Holyoke MA
(413) 221-4652


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