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[wptabtitle] About Us[/wptabtitle]
Hello – and welcome to Main Street Writers
My purpose in creating Main Street Writers is to build a Community of Practice for writers. I’m deeply interested in writing, reading, exploration and discovery; in travel as an extension of that exploration; and in Slow Culture in general. It’s kind of a dirt road approach to living.
I’ve led Main Street Writers workshops for over 20 years; my writing appears in literary journals, magazines, and anthologies. I have also run a public high school writing lab for eight years; served as Poet in Residence at Jackson Street School in Northampton; and served as a consultant to the Mass Migrant Education program.
I’m a writer and a teacher, and I invite people who like to write, and people who would like to try writing, to join in this ongoing process of discovery.
To see a sampling of blogs written by Main Street Writers, click here.
And to learn about the Tanya Shersnow Endowment, which enables more people to attend a workshop, click here…!
Main Street Writers – in Amherst and Holyoke, MA
…Except when we’re on Retreat. We’re still nearby, just harder to spot.
[wptabtitle]Main Street Writers Share[/wptabtitle]
Main Street Writers Share…!
Deb Belle:
Eating Our Share
The Seven Year Cleanse
[wptabtitle] Newsletter[/wptabtitle]
Main Street Writers – Online
We even have a Newsletter, to let you know what’s up –
Simply fill out the form below, click on the button, and you’ll hear from us soon.
[intro]Thanks! We look forward to being in touch -[/intro]